Tôi và người "hai mặt" (2018)
Adventure in Tieling (2018)
Pretty Man (2018)
Another Me (2016)
Men With Sword 2 (2017)
Legend of Awakening (2020)
Men with Sword (2016)
Pretty Man 2 (2018)
My Mr.mermaid (2017)
One And Another Him (2018)
The Well (Giếng Quỷ)
The Perfect Couple (Cặp đôi hoàn hảo)
The Giver (Người Truyền Ký Ức)
SEAL Team (Season 7) (Đội Đặc Nhiệm (Phần 7))
Someday We'll Tell Each Other Everything (Someday We’ll Tell Each Other Everything)