Once Upon A Time (Season 4) (2017)
Mechamato The Animated Series (2021)
Kongsi Raya (2022)
Naam Katra Isai (2023)
Siapa Buka Lampu (2024)
Escape (2023)
One Cent Thief (2022)
Roxana (2024)
Kau Vs Aku (Season 2) (2024)
Sinakagon (2024)
The Well (Giếng Quỷ)
The Perfect Couple (Cặp đôi hoàn hảo)
The Giver (Người Truyền Ký Ức)
SEAL Team (Season 7) (Đội Đặc Nhiệm (Phần 7))
Someday We'll Tell Each Other Everything (Someday We’ll Tell Each Other Everything)